Now for something fun...giving back
At the request of a granddaughter, I spoke to her third grade class about how and why I paint outdoors. That was followed up by a quick painting demonstration indoors in which I asked her classmate Lucas to sit still for me. He was perfect and wrote a stream of consciousness letter to himself about his experience while I painted him. "I was nervous", he indicated, but he sure made it look easy and when we were done he was very happy for the opportunity.
Genessee Community College had me teach a hands-on one day watercolor workshop for students, faculty and the community. I have also done multiple demonstrations for the Batavia Arts Society and other art organizations in Western New York, including several one day workshops at the Cooney-Ward Art Center in Wyoming, NY.
That offered more time in the beautiful countryside of western NY!
For the last couple of years, I've been painting with a group of plein air painters called the "All Weather Gang". We meet weekly, rain, shine or snow, and after coffee and conversations about art or whatever comes to mind, go out to paint a scene somewhere. Occasionally the weather may be less than ideal, but unless the temp is down near zero, we usually go. Exhibits of our cummulative efforts, were initially displayed at Ohio Northern University and then moved to the Tribastone Gallery in Canandagua, NY, and another at Art Space Gallery in Lima, Ohio. We have also exhibited at Geneseo State College and the Richmond Library in Batavia, NY.
An exhibition called "The Travelers Muse" at Dana Tillou Fine Arts gallery in Buffalo was followed by a solo exhibit and talk about my travel watercolors to members of the Garret Club in Buffalo. Several other exhibits last year included the Buffalo Society of Artists spring show and 121st Catalog Exhibitions, the NFWS Spring and Fall shows, the Arts Council of Yates County, and finally The art of Native Plants at the Meibohm Gallery.
One of my marine paintings has been in an extended exhibition by the American Society of Marine Artists and has traveled to multiple venues around the country. It was finally returned after 2 years.
Photographer David Moog, in conjunction with the Burchfield Penney Art Center, is documenting the artists of Western New York in a black & white project called "Artists Seen. Photographs of Artists In The 21st Century". It is a great honor to be included among his fine work.
I love to teach classes and do painting demonstrations in every season. I taught a painting workshop at the International Center for Watercolor, part of the Burchfield Penney Art Center's ongoing programs, and I've done painting demonstrations for many local arts organizations. In addition for many years I've taught multiple one and two day painting workshops for East End Arts on Long Island's North Fork. Art is where you make it.
Buffalo's Holiday Open Studio event was another successful weekend at "The Firehouse" gallery.
.....And I'm pleased to let you know...
The Burchfield Penney Art Center, has included me in their Artists Legacy Project. The ALP is an online data base celebrating the artists, institutions and movements that have played an important role in shaping Western New York's vibrant arts community. That's very flattering. They also carry my notecards in their giftshop.
It was a great pleasure to be awarded "Best in Show" at the Allentown Association 50th Anniversary Exhibition in Buffalo.
I was honored to be accepted into the Buffalo Society of Artists as an exhibiting member. The BSA is one of the oldest arts organizations in the country and I am in awe of the quality of a membership that reflects the tremendous vitality of the arts scene in Buffalo, NY.
In Buffalo Spree magazine's review of the Burchfield Penney’s
“The Artist Among Us II” exhibition, my rendering of "the majestic Buffalo City Hall set against billowing clouds" (below) was called the best representational watercolor among 670 pieces in the show. 
You can also check out many of my most recent paintings if you look for "killeleart" on Facebook, and be sure to "like" it while you're there. A new painting is added every week.
Or you can simply click on the word Facebook at the top of this page and go directly there. There's plenty to see!
Private lessons are also available, or you may want to consider the gift of a lesson for a birthday, holiday or special occasion.
Click here for some snapshots of Mike while painting and during his classes>>